Keeping our workforce and members of the public safe remains our number one priority, and Zero Harm is at the forefront of everything we do.
Connect Plus Services
About us
Health, safety and wellbeing
Our approach
The importance of health, safety and wellbeing across CPS remains our number one priority.
By continuing to bolster our approach to instilling this mindset, we strive to create a trusted, safe and supportive environment for all employees.
Our mission is to help introduce and maintain a culture of excellence accross our network by conducting a sensible and balanced approach which reduces health, safety and wellbeing risks in our work environment.
This is an integral element to our business and one that we are fully committed to.

Our people have the right to work in places where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. Health and safety is about preventing illness or injury whilst at work. Nothing is more important to us than ensuring everyone returns home safely every day.
The elimination of risk is at the forefront of what we do and our commitment to Zero Harm enhances our safety culture across Connect Plus Services and all of the M25 community.
At Connect Plus Services we treat the mental health of our workforce as seriously as we treat their safety.
We are committed to promoting wellbeing and supporting the mental health of our people, whilst they are here and at home. By providing an inclusive, supportive and open environment, we are keen to dispel taboos, and make talking about mental health the same as workplace physical injuries.

Connect Plus Services
About us
Health, safety and wellbeing