Healthier Highways is our innovative collaborative initiative to improve worker health protection on the M25 network
Connect Plus
Healthier Highways
In the construction industry health protection has long been the poor relation to accident prevention. And yet the burden of ill-health caused by workplace exposures is significant.
Connect Plus has come together with its One Community partners to tackle this issue through a collaborative initiative called Healthier Highways. Our aim is make workplaces healthier on the M25.
These pages provide a growing resource of information to enable everyone to Stay Wise l Reduce Risk l Protect Health.

Many ill-health effects don’t occur until years after you’re exposed. So it’s important to understand health hazards and their potential effects. Healthier highways provides you with the information you need to spot the hazards and protect your self from the risks to your health.

First we need to properly assess health risk. This is where measurement of exposures comes in. Occupational hygienists are experts in measuring and understanding workplace exposures.
Once an issue is identified our occupational hygienists will work with you to recommend and implement appropriate improvements in health risk controls.

To be effective controls have to be used correctly and consistently. That’s where training and support comes in. We work with our workforce to engage and involve them in this process.
Only in this way can health protection be improved.

Many ill-health effects don’t occur until years after you’re exposed. So it’s important to understand health hazards and their potential effects. We are beginning by focussing on two of the most prevalent risks; dust and noise. Healthier highways provides you with the information you need to spot the hazards and protect yourself from these risks to your health.

Connect Plus
Healthier Highways