Our core business pillars
Connect Plus
About us
Innovation, Performance, Value
Our Vision: Together, we will achieve excellence on the M25

Innovation, Performance, Value
Innovation, Performance and Value are our three core business pillars and the themes we use to set our objectives and achieve our vision.
They reflect our priorities and are closely aligned to our contract principles. Our business pillars and key principles are reflected in everything we do. They’re not static, they each interlink, and as we evolve, so will they.
We believe that innovation is a fundamental principle of our contract with National Highways, and we continually explore innovative ways to deliver safer, more reliable journeys for our customers while limiting disruption and providing a safer environment for our workforce.
Our Performance business pillar is about how we, as a company, focus on our business and asset management strategies, and how we manage and realise the opportunities available to us in delivering value to our client, our customers and our shareholders.
One of our project principles is to create Value for National Highways, our shareholders and our customers. The value our customers derive from using our network, value from sharing innovative working practices, and value in savings and efficiencies we deliver to our shareholders.