Working on the M25 network can be challenging as road space availability limits the amount of work that can be carried out at any one time. to address this challenge we developed a solution which cuts across all disciplines
Connect Plus / Case studies
Centralised Planning Office
Executive Summary
To address the increased demand for access to the network to undertake works and maintenance activities, we recently identified the need for a Centralised Planning Office, the principle aim of which is to optimise road space use to ensure a free-flowing network.
The Need
- A more free-flowing network
- A safe and serviceable network
- Supporting economic growth
Aims & Objectives
This initiative optimises and maximises network availability, leading to a more free-flowing network that supports economic growth.
By encouraging safe operations within multi-occupancy road space work sites and ensuring the timely delivery of maintenance and asset renewal projects, the Central Planning Office will promote a safe and serviceable network that is better integrated with neighbouring networks.
We have established monthly Collaborative Planning Forums for both the Northern and Southern sections of the network. These forums bring together many of the key stakeholders and provide a platform to discuss future works and identify opportunities where all parties can coordinate more effectively.
We have developed time/route plans for each of the routes on our network. During the forums these are reviewed and discussed by attendees so any potential sharing or clashes can be agreed, and a joint decision can be made regarding what should take priority.

Plan and Progress
In addition to an increase in physical works taking place on the M25 network, there has also been an increase in the number of Abnormal Load Movements, all of which have to be processed to ensure the M25 network is not compromised. During 2017 the total was approximately 42,000, and this rose to 55,000 in 2018. During 2018, CPS recorded 1,949 occasions where activities carried out on the network were coordinated with other works demonstrating the progress begin made.
Measuring Success
Overall the CPO has been a resounding success. Road space is no longer seen as an issue on the M25 and applicants have greatly improved information on all the works that are due to take place. In addition, the opportunities to share traffic management continue to rise.
We’re thrilled that due to its success, Highways England and Area 4 have adopted our methodology for the Kent Corridor Coordination Group.
Next Steps
We will continue to support Highways England in providing accurate information relating to Network closures. This will enable customers to better plan their journeys.